Develop Workflow Processes to Organize Your Team’s Work

Create workflow processes to manage your team’s work and improve productivity. This requires identifying all steps of your process and even those that are interdependent, and documenting the process using an outline of the flow chart. This is vital to avoiding common errors in workflows, like delays and bottlenecks.

Start with the Endpoint

Name the outcome you want to achieve through your workflow, for example the achievement of a milestone in your project or a the launch of a new home page. This will allow you to determine the tasks that require information, information, and people that are required to achieve your objectives. It will also help you determine whether the workflow is effective/successful.

Create and test workflows in a non-production environment before transferring them to your production environment. This will ensure that you’re not placing your company at risk by using untested or ineffective processes.

Define actions, condition nodes and wait nodes on the workflow canvas. Actions allow you to set triggers that will initiate the process, for example, when a record is in compliance with certain criteria. It is possible to add an action node that waits until a certain condition occurs to stop the progress of the record. Condition nodes let you evaluate records according to their properties and control the progress of the record based on the evaluations.

Review all the steps in your workflow, especially those that involve handoffs. Handoffs between people or systems are vulnerable points that could lead to miscommunications or technical problems. Many times these are the main cause of bottlenecks or delays in the flow of work. Having clear documentation of your processes helps to prevent these mistakes.

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